Dr. Huxtable Sweater Hash

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Saturday February 29, 2020
4:00 pm HST


Lot across from Antelope Club

102 E North Street
Indianapolis, IN 46204




**NOTE: Bill Cosby is a convicted piece of shit rapist that deserves no respect. However, the only bad thing sweaters ever did was itch a little bit. This hash is for the sweaters. You may also use this hash to celebrate how sexy consent is in opposition to said convicted piece of shit rapist.**

This should be a pretty classic downtown Indy trail. It should be, but Monogamistake and Cuntput have never hared a trail together so who knows. If Monoga has his way, it will be a short drunken stumble to a bar. If Cuntput is in control, you might find a couple miles of shiggy downtown you didn’t know existed. Either way, you’ll be drunk so fuck it.

What to bring: A Dr. Huxtable Sweater, consenting virgins, $6 hash cash, prelube–

OH YEAH, PRELUBE! There is an awesome Underwear party and run beforehand you can buy a ticket to participate in. There will be drinking and dancing and less than a mile of their trail to go on. We’ll meet in the starting parking lot at 11:30am sharp to head to the party (3 blocks away) together in our undies. The party ends at 3 so shortly before that we’ll go back to the start and don our sweaters for the real trail. For more information on this, to buy tickets, and to join or donate to our Indyscent Team, go here: https://my.cupids.org/team/indyscenthhh