Post Groundhog Day Hash

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Wednesday February 3, 2016
7:00 pm HST


Nora Monon Parking Lot

1363 E 91st St
Indianapolis, IN 46240



I know you’ve been waiting on pins and needles all winter for that fuzzy rodent to come out his winter hibernation… Rest easy that moment has come, Punxsutawney Phil saw his shadow! For tho not hip on the folklore, that means that there will be an early spring! So I say let celebration of this magnificent and extraordinarily accurate weather prediction with a hash!

What? Post groundhog day hash

Who? 13″ cock tower

Where? 91st street monon parking lot. corner of 91st and evergreen ave North of the target in Nora

How much? $6 USD

What to bring? a dog/or a groundhog, head light (WSH?), virgins for sacrifice (groundhogs needs the blood of the Virgins), and 6 dollars!